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Can smaller breasts produce enough milk for baby?

Yes they can!!

Do smaller breasts mean you'll make less milk? No it doesn't. 

Breast size is irrelevant when it comes to how much milk you produce. Breast storage capacity is what matters and it varies from person to person.  A breasts milk storage capacity is not related to breast size because storage capacity is created by glandular tissue not fatty tissue. 


 Breasts are made up of:

  • Fatty tissue: provides protection to the other tissues and structures within the breast
  • Glandular tissue (milk ducts): makes and and transports milk to the nipple
  • Connective tissue (muscles and ligaments): supports the structure of the breast
  • Nerves: provide the sensory response that is needed for milk ejection or letdown
  • Blood: brings nutrients to the breast to create milk
  • Lymph: removes waste products from the breasts

The size of any breast is determined mostly by the amount of fatty tissue in the breast. Fatty tissue is not involved in the production of breastmilk.

During pregnancy the amount and density of glandular tissue increases, that's why your breasts grow during your trimesters.  Needing bigger bras as the pregnancy moves along is a clear sign that glandular tissue is developing. 

While breast size doesn't influence milk production, storage capacity does indicate how much milk is available to your baby in one feed. 


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