Pregnant and Your Feet are Getting Smaller!


Lowering Your Carbon Footprint

While you’re browsing from your favourite brands, consider whether you could acquire the same items secondhand. 


“if everyone bought one item used instead of new this year, it would save 5.7B lbs of CO2e.” -ThredUp

Re-use and recycling offer some carbon savings because the lifetime of clothing is extended.


Most of the carbon emissions come from farming the rare materials that go into fashion. And more CO2 is produced during the manufacturing process. So instead of contributing to the problem, you’ve decided to buy some or all of your maternity wardrobe secondhand.

Second-hand Clothing Isn't travelling as far to get to your door.

Clothing makes a lot of stops before it gets to your door, or your fingertips if you're in-person shopping. 

The total journey of one piece of clothing is approximately 32,000 kilometres.

That's 19,884 miles!

From the farm to the factories, then over the seas to your favourite brands. Your closet has traveled more than you have! Second-hand shrink these KM's dramatically!

"Textile manufacturing results in 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, which is more emissions than international flights and maritime shipping combined.


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