Sustainability and your Maternity Wardrobe
What does sustainability mean when it comes to the clothing we wear?
The word 'Sustainability' in the fashion industry refers to the environmental impacts of making, wearing, and disposing of clothing. It's also starting to include social and economic factors.
The Truth for the Environment
There is no Planet B
The planet we're on is the one our children will inherit from us.
By shopping at H.E.A., you're making a transition to sustainable shopping. And when you consign with us, you're increasing access to ethically sourced clothing.
Your shopping decisions have so much power
The Truth for Your Well Being
You don't want a child making your maternity clothing.
You aren't only helping the environment through your secondhand shopping. You're putting money back into another parents pocket, and helping my small business.
You also aren't contributing to the demand for modern day slavery and child labour.