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A Little Bit About HEA & HEA's Founder

It’s been a while since I’ve told HEA’s story, so here’s a bit of background about us! 
Hey, my name is Nancy and I started HEA in 2015. I saw a problem, there were a lot of pregnant women in my small town and nowhere to shop locally for affordable clothing. 
So I started Happily Ever after Maternity to solve this problem!  The business started off small, just on Facebook with local appointments. I expanded over the years to add a website, pop up shops, and new apparel to meet needs that secondhand alone couldn’t fill.
HEA is still run out of my home and I’m still a one-woman show! 
Set up in 2016


It’s been quite an adventure! When I started out no one else was doing #maternityresale so I had to make things up as I went along! 
I’ve had quite a few “I need an adult” moments, you know those moments when you wish you had a mentor or someone with experience to help you answer a question or foresee the long term consequences of a decision!  
I’ve made quite a few mistakes along the way and tried things that failed but I learned from these trials and came out stronger. If you have a dream, make it happen!  I knew I had to do this, I could feel it in my soul but I had a lot of things to overcome before I could get started. Here were my main three obstacles, all of which are still a work in progress.
First, was self-doubt. No one around me understood what I was proposing to do. They couldn’t get excited about it and that burst my bubble a bit and made me worry that I was making a mistake.
Second, this business didn’t fit who I was as a person. I’m not a fashion-forward person. I like to describe myself as a “recovering Tom-Boy”. So describing clothing, creating flat lays, learning the anatomy of clothing and knowing the names of different types of tops dresses and pants is a huge challenge!
Third, I was going to have to push myself out of my comfort cave. I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder, yikes I said it!  Only a handful of people know about this, but I shouldn’t be hiding anymore so there it is!  When I started this business the idea of letting strangers into my home made me freeze. I’m pretty sure in 2016 there were some awkward appointments because as a result of my anxiety I freeze up in social situations. I am a much better listener than a conversation starter. This was some time that I’ve had to overcome. By overcome I mean to get better at, I’ll never be able to true my overcome it because that’s the nature of anxiety. 
Part of our set up in 2020
Despite what seemed like huge obstacles, HEA started, got its first sale and started making a difference in women’s lives!! Maternity resale is very #fullfilling 
 My advice to you, if you have a dream start working on it! #bebrave You’re never 100 % ready, and you never will be. So just do it. There is nothing you can’t learn and learning as you go is very #empowering
Thank you to all the moms out there who made HEA part of their pregnancy and breastfeeding Journey! It’s an honour to be there for you and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the positive support and reviews!
Lots of love and gratitude.


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